Monday, November 05, 2007

No no no to iris-scanning, even if it's "for the children." Sure, the powers-that-be parade out the most vile scum as the reason why we need it. Of course. But come on! I know, it is surely not as scary as the unbelievable Proposition 69 (collection of DNA samples from all felons, and from others arrested for or charged with specified crimes). But it is more unfounded and reeks of band-aid tactics and ulterior motives.

Hey Alameda County, here's a thought: how about hire 300 more cops to patrol the streets of Oakland, starting with money voters approved years ago for just 60 new officers we have yet to see, so we actually have a force comparable to other cities of our size?

Until they can explain why they might reasonably need iris-scanning, create laws around its use, hire the humanpower to manage sex offenders closely and personally like they should (how about all those who don't register?), and change the laws so that they aren't lamely labeling both 17 year olds who have sex and people who get caught pissing in public as sex offenders, we'll talk. But I'll probably still say no, on the grounds that, hello, this does more to make regular folk victims of crooked people in power than it does to "protect the children!" Scanning my body without my permission, possibly even from a few yards away? And storing that easily manipulated data in a database run by government toadys who don't know their head from their ass? Yeah, nice.

And the comments on this one! "I would prefer the DNA and blood characteristics of every single person be banked;" "I have nothing to hide, and we sadly live in a world with a lot of bad people. Anything to keep my family safe is fine with me;" "...not to mention after all the horror stories I have heard from people I know who had their identity stolen, I would LOVE the bank to require me to submit to an iris scan before any transactions."

Good god. I need a European visa.

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Blogger Willard said...

Huxley ain't so overblown after all.

Regardless- there is always Northern Canada.

I have some specs detailing the manufacture of some really nice lean-to's if your interested (As what happens here, in Merry-Ka, will occur everywhere else as well, anyways, so best just get to somewheres out theres to begin with)

Convergence is inevitable in any system with unlimited resources. As such, all things will come under one envelope globally, eventually.
I have an equation for this: It is called the raster to vector conversion. It concerns the process of conversion of undifferentiated field-data into information trajectories.


Eventually they will comb the woods of Northern Canada with thermal anthro-signature satellite scanners for encampments of dissidents. By then, however, we will be long gone anyways. For now, rent is cheap, especially within the rugged remote areas of the Northwest Territories. ..and I know how to make fish-traps.. and perhaps Sasquatch will assist us in remaining undercover beneath trees and bushes.

November 6, 2007 at 12:00:00 AM PST  

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