Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

A closer view. Spooky...

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Blogger Willard said...

. An explanation of quantum waveform collapse § < nothing-more-or-less
the waveform collapses as it enters the realm of < meaningfulness-to-humans > 10/30 20:59:08

only because we redefine it into a meaningful event. It is, essentially, a hallucination, or a view into the hallucination of being human in a space without resistance, where all movements are possible. A select grouping of movements have meaning: all that entails all that is meaningful to our perception, biology, material of the Universe. The rest is simply undifferentiated according to the precepts of our immediate resonance state. A harmonic accord exists between all that which participates in this state of "meaning"- and outside of the harmonic accord is simply all movement possible.

Given this, the question is not: What is the < Meaning-to-life?-------- > 10/30 21:04:48

It is: What is the Meaning?

As The meaning to life is that which is meaningful to life. That is life. Nothing more.

Oh, and I'm totally guessing, about all of this.

Oh, as to the particle wave thing < embarrassing-ass-of-a-man > 10/30 21:10:11

it is merely the collapse of the entire state of "all movement possible" into the two basic differentiated perceptions at the "event horizon" of human meaningfulness. Essentially, it is a statistical manifestation of "all movements possible".

again, I am totally guessing off the top of my tired head. time for bed. good night- I'm going to go frolick at the edges of "meaning" in my dreams.


H is real, but then again space, around us, within, is always expressing, in every location movement/no movement: a baseball flies through the air, space has a ball, then does not.. the energy menifestation of that space never changed, only the meaning of that space as we contrive it.

The relationship between two possible movements is the bounded harmonics of the set that is our reality. Given that a rotation of any single entity of the set then redefines the set, each relationship exponentially is redefined and re-expressed, our "intelligence" is only one of infinite, or one of one, or none.

(cough, cough.. that last paragraph is some real howdy-doody bullshit, eh?)

gotta go make the doughnuts now...


Another schizophrenic concept brought to you by (Knaak)

October 31, 2007 at 7:49:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Willard said...

being that the interference patterns between waveforms are movement sets(emerging from the double slits), relationships, the relationship is manifest as a particle(energy of bounded set)
and shows that the relationship is the only meaningful event in human terms(as they speckle the screen in banded lines of waveforms: reason being that we can infer, but not experience unbounded meaning)
essentailly the indefinite function becomes a definates variables only in the relationship itself.
everthin' is relationships

hippee halloween!

light a J for meaning!

October 31, 2007 at 8:56:00 AM PDT  

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