Thursday, August 09, 2007

Violet Blue, SFGate sex columnist, takes a tongue in *ahem* cheek look at ultra right wing sexual fetishes.

While a sort of trite regurgitation of things we already know about the ultra right wing and their treatment of sex (the more you condemn, the nastier you prolly are), the greatest thing about this article was finding out that when you Google Santorum you still get this and not this as your numero uno hit. Proper.

Okay, and while her article was blowing some well-deserved snark up the asses of scary conservatives like Rick Santorum, she has a serious point. It is ridiculous that many consensual sexual acts between adults are linked to moral legislation by pounding the pulpit lawmakers, which results in a very narrow and unrealistic view of sexuality being served up as a litmus test for how upright and "good" someone is.

Ugh, so listen up otaku -- while I still think anigao is creepy as fuck and totally not conducive to healthy relationships, I guess I got your (creepy-ass) back.

Also, can I get an amen for this:

Disney movies have shown my friend's 4-year-old how to strike freakishly provocative poses, yet give her no tools to know not to do that in front of strange men at the mall. How about instead of "OMG sex!" in the media and hiding sex "for the children", instead we give accurate sex information, and provide kids with tools to navigate the sexuality they're already encountering in the world?

I'm not so knee-jerk that I think plain old conservatives, social or otherwise, are idiots, but why oh why aren't these facts an across the political spectrum thing?

Yeah yeah, I get that people want to be responsible for their own kids' sexual education, but face it, so often it just doesn't happen. So, moral busybodies: get an excuse slip for your kid and leave the parents alone who want comprehensive sex education taught to their kids.

And everybody should check this Good Vibrations sponsored reference guide of sites that promote knowledge-based sex education for teens.

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