Monday, August 06, 2007

You have to check out this interactive subway map -- based on Tokyo's excellent subway map and system -- that details the world's top 200 Web sites, color-coded by genre. It is fitting that the Googleverse gets the all-night hot spots of Shinjuku and Shibuya. Too cool.

I love the trains in Japan. And while I hate noise pollution, a big part of my love for Nihon no densha (aside from the fact that they are almost never late) are the musical codes for when the train is arriving, departing, etc. A friend of mine once made a video of his travels in Japan and he ended it with the song for an incoming train. It actually brought a tear to my eye. Sounds strange, I know, but hearing it always makes me want to be there at this very moment.

So ingrained is the Japanese railway system in my mind with good times that I am very very tempted to purchase this crazy Yamanote Line clock. Green like the Yamonote line traincars and map route, it features the stations around the face and wakes you with the song for a departing train. Brilliant.

Christmas is only 4 months away. Just sayin'.

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Blogger Trevor said...

Oh man, so much I love here!

That clock is definitely a must have--I will find that clock, and bring it to you.


August 6, 2007 at 11:16:00 PM PDT  

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