Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Score! On the free table in the lobby of my apartment building was a brand new pair of black Cydwoq sandals. Black. Cydwoq. Sandals. In my size. Squee!

I COVET Cydwoq like nobody's business. Handcrafted leather footbeds, hand-sewn seams, vegetable dyed leathers, and super funky style. But oh woe, I can't afford to drop $300 to $400 US on a pair of shoes. However, just now, mid-sentence, looking at the website and putting my fantastic sandals on again and sighing with deep satisfaction -- the kind of satisfaction only a woman who loves quality shoes knows -- I have decided I am saving to buy a pair. I am worth it, dammit!

Oy vey, desire is a bad bad thing. *drool*

I also have to give gigantic props to that Mecca of fantastic unwanted goodness, the free table in my building's lobby. I have found so many kickass things there. Velvet curtains, an inkjet printer (good for iron-on transfers!), good reads, a vintage lamp, an Eamesesque chair, and now my fantabulous sandals. Sure, people leave oh, underwear and stretched out spandex bike shorts there too, but I digress -- CYDWOQ!

Okay, and now for *deep breath*...scary Halloween month item numero dos:

I am a 'fraidy cat, but I love ghosts. In Britain, during the filming of a car commercial, the director spotted what looked like a ghostly image closely following the automobile, and apparently caught it on tape. As the car rounds the turn, it does look like there might be an apparition close to the ground on the passenger side of the vehicle. Super spooky. This commercial has made the internet rounds, but it is still definitely an oldie, but a goodie.