Thursday, August 30, 2007
- If only this were real. If it were, and commercia...
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I was lost in a valley of pleasure
I was lost in the infinite sea
I was lost and measure for measure
love spilled from the heart of me
I was lost and the cost
and the cost didn't matter to me
I was lost and the cost
was to be outside society
The awful truth is, these sad, terrible people don't live that far from me. For example, Keady is in the Southern Education and Library Board, the same institution I work for. As is the whole dog fighting ring recently uncovered operating out of a local bar (that used to be cool a few years ago, but after being bought out by a bunch of small-time crims, now is just full of tossers). Tossers who actually exchanged a certain type of local, small time, sports fame for immunity in their community (yeah, it rhymes, but fuck that), to get away with some, frankly, horrible shit.
Basically, animal cruelty isn't considered the biggest, baddest thing amongst certain layers of my community. Really, I hate to name names. Okay, I'll do it. E-mail me for names, links, etc.
It is the same here too. Though the Michael Vick thing is definitely a refreshing change. But the small-time is where it continues pretty much unchecked, for some of the same reasons. Good old boys.
"Good old boys" isn't a phrase we use over here, but the meaning behind it works, I'd guess. This guy masqueraded as a sports hero, while really he was the worst sort of violent bully. Everyone wanted to believe the respectable veneer, so ignored the horrible truth for too long.
Northern Ireland still is a sick society, on many levels. For decades (centuries, really) we accepted violence, secret societies, murder, maiming, all sorts. We're desensitized to a lot, to too much, really. Plus, we're a mainly rural, agricultural society. Animal rights will never be high on our social agenda.
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