Hells yeah, bitches.
So, all I said was that in my fascist dictatorship, incompetence would not be rewarded, and that there would be negative consequences for lacking common sense -- like in times before officespaces, when we hunted mammoths or were actively adapting to life's challenges instead of actively impeding the advancement of our own capabilities, times when we at least attempted to think before acting, and being all victimy spelled death, not getting your problem solved. Because otherwise people get trained to default to ineffectual ways of dealing with anything, and they never gain the motivation to learn shit. In my world, the freakout method that is so many people's damage would not be tolerated.
And then my man said that it IS true -- I am Victor von Doom.
Awesome. I mean, really, look at what they say about Latveria:
It is a simple yet prosperous nation, guided by Doom's firm hand and benefited by his advanced technology. The natives of Latveria treat Doctor Doom with a mixture of love, respect, and fear, and call him "Master." Doom asks only that they be happy.
See? And y'all know I could do much worse than being Doctor Doom.
No, really, I could. Check it, yo:

NP: Xiu Xiu, 'Ian Curtis Wishlist'
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