Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I've blogged in the past about the Austrian art collective Gelitin and their magnificently irreverent art projects.

I don't check in on their goings on as often as I should, but during my recent perusal of their site I was pleasantly surprised to see a ton of new projects and installations. One that particularly interested me was a recent showing at the Tim Van Laere Gallery in Belgium.

All Together Now

The visitor (m/f) is asked to pee in a urinal, the urine then runs through a transparent tube throughout the gallery and is collected in a colossal plastic bubble best described as an oval hot water bed. That (warm) bubble offers other visitors a seat, a lie-down, a wandering moment or - why not - a moment to reflect on the sense and nonsense of life itself.

I really admire Gelitin in general for their balls out art aesthetic, and this piece is no different -- challenging comfort zones and reinterpreting traditional ideas around medium and permanence.

There is also an interview with Gelitin by the gallery's Jos Van den Berg that gives a bit of background on the history of both the piece and the collective, as well as the type of experiences that inform their work. A super read.

An internet search the other day that manifested as a hit on this blog was the phrase, "knicker wetting for fun." I couldn't for the life of me figure out how I actually got a hit with that, but what serendipity.

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